miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009

Chat avec president UE

Etapes de la préparation

-Abonnez-vous à moi MyEurope
-Je me register dans la salle de chat
-Je me prepare sur le bord du devoir

-Je entre a la heure spécifié a la salle de chat
-Je me presente

-je mette le questions

miercuri, 25 martie 2009

Post card

This project help us in comunication with different country,it allowed us the knolege other country excenge experience,we can travel in 9 country wich are includes in COMENIUS project.This project help us to comunicate with students of my age,seeing their preference,their pleasure and develope our interes in the efectuation of other project.

miercuri, 25 februarie 2009


Thursday January 4 at barracks 15 mechanized Brigade Command in Iasi held ceremony celebrated its 130 years of its foundation, Regiment 15 "Dorobanti", whose traditions are continued today by 15 mecanizata Brigade "Podu High. The festival was attended by Major General Ioan Ciupe, Commander 4 Corps Territorial Army "Maresal CONSTANTIN PREZAN, Brigadier General Dr. Dumitru Seserman, Colonel John Eat, commander of Brigade 15 mechanized military personnel, local officials and veterans of war. On this occasion 15 mecanizata Brigade received from the Ministry of National Defense, heraldic signs and a diploma of excellence. A synod of priests have held a religious ceremony and then was discovered commemorative plaque.

In word or Eat Colonel John, 15 mecanizata Brigade commander, recalled that after 130 years, from 1 January 1877 was established "Regiment 15" Dorobanti "garrison in Piatra Neamt. War of Independence was the" baptism of fire for dorobantii Regiment 15, who participated in Bechet, to cover the operation of the border, then struggles to Pleven, Vidin and Rahova received for bravura fighting, the Order "Cross Delta transition." In the First World War, ostasii Regiment 15 took part in the summer of 1916, to fight for the release of Transylvania Valley use, Miercurea Ciuc, Vlahita and Odorhei, and in 1917 at the battle of Oituz. In 1941, ostasii Regiment 15 "Dorobanti" have fought for the release of Bessarabia, then in front of Odessa, a year later, participating in battles at Cotu Donului. Since September 1944, the regiment soldiers were heavy sacrifice of blood in the battles of the valleys Tarnava Small and Mures, Somes on hills in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. At the end of the Second World War, Regiment 15 "Dorobanti" garrison returned in Piatra Neamt, and two years later moved to Bacau. In 1959, the unit was out in Iasi. In 1 July 1994, 15 Mechanized Regiment began the transformation in brigade mecanizata. On 9 May 1996, with delivery Flag battle, 15 Brigade mecanizata historical name of "High Podu".

marți, 24 februarie 2009



Based on the autobiographical novel namesake of American journalist John Grogan of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the film "Marley & Me" is a funny comedy about a young couple newly married who learns important life lessons from an adorable puppy, mischievous and hiperactiv.

Two ambitious reporters - John and Jennifer Grogan - moved to Florida, he bought a new house and adopt a golden labrador puppies who give nemele Marley in the desire to prepare for such future roles of parents, learning what the responsibility of have permanent care of another soul. But far from bringing an ounce of joy in their home, Marley proves to be a source of terror, only provoacand damages, being excluded from school for training and giving them over the existing cap.
However, Marley becomes part of their family life and can no longer be conceived in his absence.Owen Wilson Owen Wilson


John Grogan
Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Grogan
Eric Dane Eric Dane
Kathleen Turner Kathleen Turner
Ms. Kornblut
Alan Arkin Alan Arkin
Arnie Klein
Nathan Gamble Nathan Gamble
Patrick (Age 10)
Haley Bennett Haley Bennett

sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009


Care sunt români nu au fost niciodată în Iaşi, deşi ar trebui să fie nici unul, pentru ca cine a fost aici pentru a merge nu poate face cu cele mai frumoase foi cronice, el poate pătrunde în spirit de cuviinţă că trecutul nostru traieste in acest loc mai viu si mai bogat decât oriunde aiurea [...]. În conştiinţa lui naţională ar fi un eşec, dacă l-ar fi văzut un oraş care a fost şi încă de azi şi spune, cu mândrie, Moldova ... "(Nicolae Iorga)
Joi 4 ianuarie, la cazarma Comandamentului Brigazii 15 Mecanizate din Iasi a avut loc ceremonia de sarbatorire a 130 de ani de la infiintare a Regimentului 15 "Dorobanti", ale carui traditii sunt continuate in prezent de Brigada 15 Mecanizata "Podu Inalt". La festivitati au participat generalul maior dr. Ioan Ciupei, Comandantul Corpului 4 Armata Teritorial "Maresal CONSTANTIN PREZAN", generalul de brigada dr. Dumitru Seserman, colonelul Ioan Manci, comandantul Brigazii 15 Mecanizata, cadre militare, oficialitati locale si veterani de razboi. Cu aceasta ocazie Brigada 15 Mecanizata a primit, din partea Ministerului Apararii Nationale, insemnele heraldice si o diploma de excelenta. Un sobor de preoti au tinut o ceremonie religioasa si apoi a fost descoperita placa comemorativa.

In cuvantul sau, colonelul Ioan Manci, comandantul Brigazii 15 Mecanizata, a reamintit faptul ca in urma cu 130 de ani, la 1 ianuarie 1877 a luat fiinta "Regimentul 15 "Dorobanti" in garnizoana Piatra Neamt. Razboiul de Independenta a reprezentat "botezul focului" pentru dorobantii Regimentului 15, care au participat, la Bechet, la operatia de acoperire a frontierei, apoi la luptele de la Plevna, Rahova si Vidin, primind, pentru bravura in lupta, Ordinul "Crucea Trecerii Dunarii". In primul razboi mondial, ostasii Regimentului 15 au luat parte, in vara anului 1916, la luptele pentru eliberarea Transilvaniei, pe Valea Uzului, la Miercurea Ciuc, Vlahita si Odorhei, iar in 1917 la batalia de la Oituz. In anul 1941, ostasii Regimentului 15 "Dorobanti" au luptat pentru eliberarea Basarabiei, apoi pe frontul de la Odessa, un an mai tarziu participand la luptele de la Cotu Donului. Din septembrie 1944, militarii regimentului au dat grele jertfe de sange in bataliile de pe vaile Tarnavei Mici si Muresului, de pe dealurile Somesului, din Ungaria si Cehoslovacia. La incheierea celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, Regimentul 15 "Dorobanti" a revenit in garnizoana Piatra Neamt, iar doi ani mai tarziu s-a mutat la Bacau. In anul 1959, unitatea a fost dislocata la Iasi. La 1 iulie 1994, Regimentul 15 Mecanizat a inceput transformarea in brigada mecanizata. Pe 9 mai 1996, odata cu inmanarea Drapelului de lupta, Brigada 15 Mecanizata a primit denumirea istorica "Podu Inalt".