miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008

Asezamantul Sfantul Ilie - Palace of Miclauseni

Built at the end of the nineteenth century by Prince Sturdza,
Miclauseni of the palace is currently under obladuirea Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina. It was recently renovated and the Metropolitan seat is one of the beautiful palaces in Romania is yet unknown. The building can be called mansion being known in the area even as the "Mansion of Miclauseni.

The Metropolitan is under the care of about 10 years but before that for 50 years, was a home for children with disabilities are brought into an advanced state of decay. For example, the paintings on the ceiling and walls, which depict various mythological figures, monsters, etc.. (Sturdza was franc-mason) were destroyed and all the races I hope to children ...
Is located between the Roman and Iasi, namely the Roman and Targu Beautiful: Miclauseni, about 30-40 kilometers from Roman. If you want to visit must be very careful. There is only a small indicator on the road you can miss. After the indicator come on a path and walk about 100 meters after entering a gate. Asphalt road is perfect.After you pass the gate you do not like you lost, mainly to the castle you walk about 300 meters through the park and through the woods and then pass a podet over a small river. Not even so much a surprise but this discovery instead dream worth this small effort.
Palace (the Museum will host the Spirituality of the Orthodox Metropolitan) is located in the middle of a beautiful park, a few tens of meters. Are just around the woods, about 3 lakes you can fish and a true paradise.
Maicutele the monastery (they currently manages asezamantul) deals and accommodation guests.
The most unusual castle of Moldova, has been appointed as the Miclauseni building represents a building built in medieval style in XIX-XX centuries. Legend castle lost in the darkness of time, precisely in the era of Alexander the Good while it will give vornicul Miclus (1380-1440) the land, who will bear the name Miclauseni.For six centuries the estate owners will be bred, until the Sturdza John (1655-1725), founder Sturdza branch becomes the owner of the land Miclauseni. John Sturdza, descendants of one family, build a mansion with two levels that will exist until 1880, as shown and the inscription at the entrance.He will build on the estate of Miclauseni first wall of the church (1781-1782), with the patron "St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel. Most important for the house of a family member will have Sturdza Dimitrie Sturdza governor (1756-1846), which will be the owner while Miclauseni threescore.During the cat has lived here has built new components (the church and stables) and he founded a famous library at that time. Man of great culture, Dimitrie Sturdza in 1802 wrote the first draft of the Republican Constitution of the Romanian. Like all his inaintasii Dimitrie Sturdza and had a rapid evolution policy, covering the major functions dregatorii of Moldova, the big money (1702), sea Logofat (1820-1842)
The building that exists today (with a floor) was performed according to neo-Gothic style, on a rectangular plan. Each facade this same ahitecturale details: platforms and wide balconies supported by stone Lespezi. Building the castle is very much like the palace at Miclauseni, being built by other family members Sturdza. Sturdza family built a church near the castle, but inside the wall which surrounds residential construction. Church is characterized by the bastions of rock, located in the precinct wall. The name of this church is the name of connecting large families as boieresti Romanian Moruzzi, Cuza, Sturza, Moruzi, or Roznovanu Ghica.

Many legends have circulated about forbidden love stories of family members, even the myth of a curse that visit the castle. Gardens that surround the palace were designed by a renowned master gardener (Mehler), originating in Germany. According to western model, gardens were decorated with exotic trees, planted on the edge of the beautiful promenade alleys.
The building that exists today (with a floor) was performed according to neo-Gothic style, on a rectangular plan. Each facade this same ahitecturale details: platforms and wide balconies supported by stone Lespezi. Building the castle is very much like the palace at Miclauseni, being built by other family members Sturdza. Sturdza family built a church near the castle, but inside the wall which surrounds residential construction. Church is characterized by the bastions of rock, located in the precinct wall. The name of this church is the name of connecting large families as boieresti Romanian Moruzzi, Cuza, Sturza, Moruzi, or Roznovanu Ghica.Many legends have circulated about forbidden love stories of family members, even the myth of a curse that visit the castle. Gardens that surround the palace were designed by a renowned master gardener (Mehler), originating in Germany. According to western model, gardens were decorated with exotic trees, planted on the edge of the beautiful promenade alleys.

marți, 9 decembrie 2008

Draga Mos Craciun,

Ma numesc Florina si am 17 ani stiu ca sunt mare insa pentru mine in fiecare an existi.Asadar,eu te-as ruga sa mi-l aduci pe fratiorul meu care este plecat si as dori sa petrec sarbatorile cu intreaga familie.Te astept cu drag la hornul meu!:)

miercuri, 19 noiembrie 2008

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

Intégration en mon école

1.Pourquoi as-tu choisi de venir dans cette école?
2.Tu as venu seul(e)ou tu as des frères?
3.Tes parents ont étè d'accord quand tu as décide de venir dans cette école?
4.Les proffesseurs ont fait des descriminations entre toi et les autres élèves?
5.Est-ce-qui il y a des problèmes en ce qui concerne-les camarades?
6.La langue roumaine est-elle une probleme pour toi?
7.Quels sont tes projets pour le futur?
8.Quand tu es venu dans cette ècole tu as cru que tu n'avais pas d'amis?
9.Comment tu te sens quand tu sais que ta famille est très loin et tu es ici parmi les étrangers?
10.Il y a des differences entre l'ècole roumaine et l'ècole de Moldavie?
11.Tu penses que tu es bien intégré dans l'Ecole Normale?

marți, 21 octombrie 2008


The friendship is necessary for every person.Every person need to divulge to someone.A true friend catch your hand and touch your heart.The friends means to be near you when you have right or you don't have right. Don't tear off the friendship's gallon because when you will tie again the gallon will stay.
The friendship is a feeling which unite a connection beetwen two or more person.A friendship can last a life if exist sincerity,trust.
The friendship give us wings to dream again.To be this thing the friendship?For anyone the friendship means something,the friendship means everything.
The friendship is a word which be hard to explain it in words.
A true friendship is that which think for you,a true friendship pass the material existence.

miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008


L'amitié est un sentiment qui relie une connexion entre deux personnes,l'amitie peut prendre une vie si il y a la sincerite et la confiance.L'amitie est nécessaire pour chaque personne resset le besoin d'exposer et de penser.
Un veritable ami vous prenez votre main et toucher le coeur.
Amitie moyens d'être ensemble avec des amis non pas quand ils ont raison,mais quand ils faux.
Ne pas rompre le fil d'un amis parce que meme si la loi lui reste encore noeud.
L'amitié nous donne des ailes au rêve à nouveau.
À cette amitié?Pour chacun d'entre nous amitié, tout ce.L'amitié est un mot difficile de dire.Un ami contourner le réel intérêt matériel il est le seul qui pense pour vous.